"As for me, I will always have hope." (Psalm 71:14)

A Hopefull
Advocate for Hope
For years, I faced the devastating news about climate change and endangered species' lists and melting glaciers with a sense of dread, fear, and hopelessness. I haven't wanted to read articles; I have wanted to help, but how? Where do I start? And as a Christian, I wondered: Should I start? Is this a critical issue as compared to things like homelessness and poverty and injustice? But I'm learning: how we treat our planet directly impacts those very issues I want to alleviate. Whether someone keeps their home, whether someone has access to clean water and air—these are directly affected by my use (or misuse) or God's Earth. So now I ask not whether Christians should act, but why aren't we? Maybe you're like me: you don't know where to start. I hope A Hopefull World gives you that place. Maybe you're like me: you're avoiding a sense of dread. I hope A Hopefull World reminds you there is good still—and good to be done. Maybe you're like me: you wonder whether this matters. I hope A Hopefull World opens your eyes to the many who are impacted by our choices every day. We cannot undo our past; but we can absolutely have a positive impact on our future. Will you join me, friend? Will you join me in finding answers and making changes—one day, one change, one step at a time—toward creating a more hope-filled world?
Will you join me in finding answers and making changes to better care for our world?